* Eat only "real foods." An easy definition is to think of real foods as foods your great-grandparents would recognize. Real foods do not come wrapped up in plastic packaging. Real foods are old (foods we've been eating for a long time) and traditional (they way we used to eat them). They are seasonal (fruits and vegetables) and unrefined (whole grains). In eating real foods, you will find yourself automatically increasing your fruit and vegetable intake, which is awesome! Fruits and vegetables are great because you get a lot of nutrients and fiber, and feel full off of minimal calories; this ties in with eating volumetrically, which I will explain in a later post. Try to buy organic or ecologically friendly produce, wild-caught seafood, and grass-fed meat, eggs, and dairy as they are free off/have less chemicals from pesticides, antibiotics, and growth hormones.
* Eliminate industrialized foods! Industrialized foods are full of omega-6 fats, preservatives, and chemicals in general. The balance between the two essential fats, omega-3 and omega-6, is completely out of whack in today's industrial diet. We should eat equal amounts, in moderation, but the industrial diet has about twenty times more omega-6 than omega-3 fats. Why is this a problem? It means there is a decreased consumption of fish, and an increased consumption of omega-6 grains by industrial animals. Prom the omega fats, the body makes chemicals called eicosanoids, hormone-like agents with far-reaching effects on metabolism, inflammation, immunity, fertility, blood pressure, skin, vision, and mood. Omega-6 eicosanoids are inflammatory and reactive. Regarding heart disease, omega-6 eicosanoids are trouble. They promote inflammation, constrict blood vessels, and encourage platelet stickiness and clotting. Oxidized omega-6 fats lead to oxidized LDL, which causes atherosclerosis. In conclusion, omega-6 fats lead to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. There is strong evidence that omega-6 fats make cancer cells grow faster.
* Increase your intake of lean protein. Examples of lean protein include: chicken breast, eggs (more bang for your buck... the yolk is a great source of healthy fat and has iron and omega-3 fats!), lean beef, deer, pork tenderloin, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, and milk (2% or whole). Protein is made of 20 amino acids, nine of which are called "essential" because the body cannot make them. Plant protein is always inferior to animal protein. Regarding soy protein, there is a lot of mixed information but my best suggestion is to avoid it. It contains phytic acid--an antinutrient which reduces the absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and other minerals. Soy is an incomplete protein that contains protease inhibitors, which interfere with protein absorption, and can cause hypothyroidism and certain types of cancer.
* Increase your intake of healthy fats! For years, Americans have been told to eat a low-fat diet, but current studies are telling us different. Healthy fats include: avocado, seafood, nuts and nut butters, fat from grass-fed animals, butter (throw out your margarine!) and cream from grass-fed cows, egg yolks from pastured poultry, fish oils (preferably wild), and cold-pressed or wet-milled unrefined vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, coconut, macadamia, walnut, sesame). The healthy fat in dairy products actually enables the body to digest its protein and assimilate its calcium, as well as absorb and use the fat-soluble vitamins A and D. Studies also show that there is a positive correlation between the fat and protein in dairy products and weight loss. Healthy fats will help your body stay satisfied and prevent it from going into starvation mode. Avoid all hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, and vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, sunflower, and soybean oils--especially when refined or heated.
* Restrict your carbohydrates. Contrary to popular belief, carbs actually make us retain water... not sodium. Eliminate all refined, "white" carbs" and switch to healthier, wholesome carbs--brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes, oats (old-fashioned, not quick), and whole grain sprouted bread (sparingly). If you can restrict your carbs, you can lose a few pounds of water weight, usually from the belly area... and isn't that what everyone wants?
I have to admit there is one 7 Day Detox Plan that I approve of. Well, sort of. While it is a lot safer than most other detox diets and doesn't skimp you out of too many nutrients as it asks you to eat a ton of fruits and veggies (yay!), I do have one problem with this plan... it restricts your protein and fat intake. Lean protein is important because humans are omnivores and need complete protein; we must get it daily as it cannot be stored. Our muscles need protein to build and repair... especially during your exercise program. And healthy fats are important because they allow our body to assimilate the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
I'd like to sum up this post with an Okinawan proverb: "One who eats whole food will be strong and healthy."
Much of the information in this post was taken from Nina Planck's book "Real Food: What to Eat and Why." Check it out on Amazon today!
Excellent Post! Just remember carbs are your body's main fuel source. If your body is used to a 60% or higher carb diet, which is typical for most Americans cut your carbs back gradually and allow your body time to adjust. This will help with the fatigue of cutting carbs. I recommend carb cycling, eating more carbs in the morning and less as the day goes on. The first few weeks are difficult but if you stick with it your body will adjust and burn FAT more efficiently for energy!!